To contribute to the formulation of an appropriate economic policy and undertake economic policy management.


  • Simplify tax system, broaden the tax base and set fair tax rates.
  • Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of tax administration.
  • Pursue efficient, effective and equitable resource allocation policy for the identified prioritised sectors.
  • Strengthen the financial system: financial institutions, instruments, products and markets.
  • Streamline state-owned enterprises and pursue the policy of privatisation.
  • Adapt transparent as well as accountable fiscal and financial information system.
  • Institutionalise effective and efficient incentives system for public sector employees.
  • Pursue self-sustained revenue based public expenditure policies.
  • Institutionalise monitoring and evaluation system for economic management of aid resources.
  • Improve public-private confidence and help create conducive environment for private sector involvement in overall economic development.
Last Updated : 2021-04-09